Sprouts Rebrand

Brand Identity/Research
For this speculative rebranding project, comprehensive research led to a wholesale reimagining of the Sprouts Farmers Market brand. Lacking a clear value proposition Sprouts is becoming less distinguishable in the rapidly expanding health foods sector. This finding led me to reimagine 'Sprout'—as I renamed the store—as basing its branding around mental health and a calmer shopping experience in response to the growing demand for respites from a chaotic world.
Sprout Logo
The new Sprout logo—entitled The Nourishing Bowl—is a symbol of balance and nourishment. The bowl alludes to the nourishing properties of the healthy food Sprout provides while its position atop of a half circle represents the balanced lifestyle eating healthy offers.
Sprout Packaging
Packaging Design
The new Sprout brand packaging design strips away the noise and clutter of the old packaging in favor of simplicity and clear communication. The heroic use of the food items creates a deeper connection between the product and the consumer while the frames created by the Sprout glyph system create a feeling of depth that makes the consumer experience feel more intimate.
Sprout Glyphs
Graphic Element
A primary graphic element of the Sprout identity system, the Sprout glyphs appear across a variety of touch points and give the brand a greater feeling of depth. Appearing within words or on their own, the soft curves and organic forms of the glyphs further establish the meditative quality of shopping at the new Sprout.